The career of

Nicoleta Albei-Wigger


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The NFT+ showroom at Nicoleta Gallery Berlin opens its doors to art enthusiasts, collectors and investors, offering them the opportunity to explore this exciting direction in art. Through the innovative inclusion of NFT+, the gallery enables a new experience where traditional and digital art forms seamlessly merge. Here, they can experience first-hand the visionary art of Nicoleta and immerse themselves in a world where art and technology merge.




Car dealership Dinnebier Berlin

The pain itself is great, the sadipscing elitr is settled, but the diam nonumy eirmo for a time they envy that with labor and pain it was something great, but the diam voluptiva. But indeed I will accuse them and just two pains and I will take them back. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata is holy.

Car dealership Dinnebier Berlin

The year 2019 marks the beginning of the unique partnership between the artist Nicoleta Albei-Wigger and the renowned car dealership Dinnebier Berlin. This marked the beginning of an exhibition that has since become a permanent fixture in the dealership's showrooms. Visitors to the dealership have the opportunity here to explore and purchase Nicoleta Albei-Wigger's art.




2018 & 2019



Silent work

The partnership between Nicoleta Albei-Wigger and the renowned Stilwerk Berlin, now LIVING BERLIN, started with the first exhibition in 2018 and 2019. As a renowned house for exclusive furnishings, home design and lifestyle, LIVING BERLIN has gained significant added value through Nicoleta Albei-Wigger's art. Since then, LIVING BERLIN has been the home of the artist's main exhibition, where she showcases her large-scale art.



2016 & 2017

Parkside Office Gallery

The pain itself is great, the sadipscing elitr is settled, but the diam nonumy eirmo for a time they envy that with labor and pain it was something great, but the diam voluptiva. But indeed I will accuse them and just two pains and I will take them back. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata is holy.

Parkside Office Gallery

The Parkside Office Gallery in Berlin hosted the impressive artworks of Nicoleta Albei-Wigger in 2016 and 2017. Her large-scale works were presented both on the floors and in the foyer, enriching the ambience. Today, her artistic masterpieces are being appreciated worldwide, decorating showrooms, offices and foyers by enriching the spaces with her unique artistic vision.



2016 & 2017

"Nicoleta is a unique artist! Her masterpieces captivate the eye and touch the soul. Her art is a source of inspiration, captivating with aesthetic brilliance and deep emotional resonance."

Titus Braun, CEO 4past2 GmbH

Clamp Art


Ms. Albei-Wigger has secured a firm place in the art scene with expressiveness and talent. Her large-scale artworks are not only exclusive, but captivate with their impressive presentation and execution. Each of her works bears her unmistakable signature, a testament to her fine creativity and bold use of form and color.

Her art career is a shining example of continuous growth and commitment to perfection.

Today Nicoleta Albei-Wigger is one of the renowned greats of exclusive large format art. Her name stands for quality art, uniqueness and emotional depth. Her works are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also touch and inspire the viewer in a profound way, making her a remarkable part of the art landscape.

Her career


Solo exhibition

ab Januar 2012

Private Ausstellungen, deutschlandweit

Seit 2016 stellt Nicoleta ihre Kunstwerke in privaten Events bei namhaften deutschen Persönlichkeiten aus. Diese exklusiven Anlässe betonen ihre Expertise und die nahtlose Integration ihrer Kunst in elitäre Umgebungen.

2013 - 2016

Dauerausstellung Berliner Bank, Berlin

2013 - 2016

Dauerausstellung Deutsche Bank, Berlin

2013 - 2016

Rumänische Botschaft, Berlin

10. September 2016

Vernissage 2016, Park Side Gallery

November 2017

Days of female passion - Pop up Art event, Berlin

17. Mai 2018

Vernissage | Transformation, F37 Bar and Gallery

30. Mai - 07. Juli 2018

Ausstelung in der F37 Bar and Gallery, Berlin

07. Dezember 2018

Carsten Nehls Immobilien | N 19, Berlin

2018 - 2019

Art in Berlin | N19, Berlin, am KaDeWe

ab Februar 2019

Galerie Nicoleta Berlin Art, Stilwerk 2. Etage

04. Februar 2019

Vernissage, Dinnebier Premium Cars

ab Februar 2019

Ausstellung, Dinnebier Premium Cars

22. Mai - 02. Juni 2019

LIST Neue Bootshalle - ART.3000, Sylt, List

Im exklusiven Veranstaltungsort LIST Neue Bootshalle - ART.3000 auf Sylt werden Nicoletas Werke einem anspruchsvollen Publikum vorgestellt.


Daueraustellung im Stilwerk, Berlin

In Berlin unterhält Nicoleta eine Dauerausstellung im Stilwerk, einem Premium-Einrichtungshaus mit Fokus auf Wohndesign und Lifestyle. Das Stilwerk vereint führende Möbelmarken und ausgewählte Inneneinrichter.

10. November 2019

Basel, Schweiz

26. Oktober 2020

Einstein Vernissage, Berlin

18. Januar 2022

Vernissage Farbexplosion, Berlin

30. März 2023

Vernissage "Einstein im Reich der Affen", Berlin

In ihrer eigenen Galerie in Berlin präsentiert Nicoleta die Vernissage "Einstein im Reich der Affen", die sowohl visuell als auch intellektuell beeindruckt.

Group exhibition

29. April 2018

The international prize of nations, Venedig

21. Oktober 2021

Drohnenflug 2 - artbox.projects, Zürich

21. Oktober 2021

Corona Art 2020 - artbox.projects, Zürich

14. Juli 2022

Einstein 2022, Zürich

03. November 2022

Als die Erde aufging - artbox.projects, Zürlich

3. Januar 2023

Als die Erde aufging - artbox.projects, Zürich

01. August 2023

Zürich 5.0 - artbox.projects, Zürich

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